Monday 27 January 2014

Module 1 -Activity 2 Self Activity

A I did this activity I found it a bit challenging. The only information I could have remembered was the contents of what was on the coin as it is something that I come into contact with everyday thus it being in my long-term memory.  I saw the stimuli being the string of letters and list of words. My brain being the sensory register made an attempt to memorize them by rote only being able to recall the first four letters of the string o letters. I realized that learning the letters was more challenging than learning the words as I needed more time to strategize them into memory. I did remember the list of words eventually after much repetitions and arranging them in a way that easy for me to remember but all the information was soon lost after I had left the computer for ten minutes.  This showed that the information was not in my long-term memory as I had only learnt the information because I needed it for the activity.

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