Monday 27 January 2014

Module 1 - Acivity 1 reflections

This activity highlighted the traditional learning paradigm versus the new learning paradigm. In my opinion the traditional is based on all learners given the same conditions to learn regardless of their socio-economic or intellectual backgrounds. The new learning paradigm, on the other hand, focusses on reaching each learner where they are as each learner has needs. As I reflect on my days in primary school, the traditional learning paradigm was practiced by my teachers where it was seen through drill-and-practice and learning concepts by rote. But as time progressed new practices were incorporated in lessons to help the weak learners to succeed. In modern times technology has made the teaching-learning exchange more attainable as teachers have found it necessary to sharpen their skills by also involving themselves in the learning process. This activity has enlightened me to the fact that I as a teacher am also a learner.

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