Sunday 28 April 2013

Module 3 -Activity 1 reflections

In this activity, I thought it really amazing to see other participants' ideas as I typed mine into the brainstorming application. It was also insightful to see the many different roles of the educator and how they were spelt out by the author, Emilia Potenza. I have performed these roles everyday without actually realizing it. I particularly liked that the roles were in order of the duties that we perform. We must first know the students whom we are teaching to design instructions that would meet their needs. Then lead them in a path that would let them unlock their true potential. Then we still have to evaluate our strategies and continue to research to sharpen our skills. Then we have a responsibility to our community and to be the assessor of learning to ensure that it has taken place. I think that the last role comes naturally as we must be knowledgeable in what we teach to students

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