Monday 25 March 2013

Assignment 1 reflections

I have learnt a lot from doing this assignment. I think this assignment attempted to test my ability to use skills in computer literacy to apply to a real life situation such as processing the data from the survey that I collected using graphic representation. This was a skill that I had learnt a long time ago but never really used it often  in a meaningful situation such as this. This assignment shows that teachers have to remember to allow students to partake in meaningful transfer of learning with subjects that we teach and link it with the real world setting. However my survey had some flaws which I will do my best to improve the next time around.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Acivity 4 reflections

It was interesting and insightful to read about Vygotsky's theory and Dr. Mitra's findings. They both have similar ideas in the sense that children learn by donig tasks spontaneously. However, it is my opinion that although students can learn on their own, they still need a guide (teacher) to build on their prerequisite knowledge and to steer them in the right direction to be competent in a changing technological world. I have learnt to talk less and allow students to be in charge of their own learning because I believe in this way tasks will be more meaningful to them.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Activity 2 Reflections

After reading the article by Silvia Ferrero, I found myself nodding in agreement with her. It is true that the younger generation find it a bore to use ICT and the various other modern technology because they are termed as 'Digital natives' (they were born into it) while the not-so-ICT-savvy ones are termed as 'digital migrants'. I consider myself partly a digital migrant because I still have more to learn where ICT is involved. I know sufficient to get along comfortably.  I think that older teachers who are digital migrants can do just as well as the younger generation of teachers.

Tuesday 5 March 2013


I was glad that we had a meeting today to clear up any misconceptions and problems that we might have had.  Today  was a learning exprience. I think that we all need to know that we are all on the right track.

Friday 1 March 2013


My name is Gillian Bradshaw. I am a 5th grade teacher at the Dorsetshire Hill Government School. I am hoping to have a fruitful and successful course with all participants.