Wednesday 28 May 2014

Activity 6a&b reflections - Using Office software

In doing these activities, I have been taught to use functions that I saw but never understood such as the equation editor. I personally enjoyed working with this tool as it makes it easier to formulate test and activity items. It also makes the finished product looks professional. While using the drawing tools, which is something that I am accustomed using, it is important that students are given some form of graphics so that they can formulate a mental picture and make connections instead of using words and numbers only.

Friday 23 May 2014

Module 5 Activity 5a Exploring Website resources

On evaluating the websites it was noticeable to me that the majority of the content was in alignment with the curriculum that I currently use.  I personally prefer the interactive site as they provide students with exciting activities as they learn and practice targeted skills. Other websites give support to teachers in terms of lesson planning and resources.
The checklist was quite instrumental in allowing me to see what to look for in a good website.
The four websites that I found quite instrumental in teaching Science concepts were as follows:

  • Interactive Sites for Education   (
  • Science Learning Hub  ( )
  • 10 cool Science sites   ( )
  • School Science  ( )