Saturday 22 February 2014

Module 1 - Activity 6 reflections

I enjoyed doing this activity as I was able to see the many fruitful ideas put forward by my colleagues. In our classes their are many learners who have a difficult time expressing themselves in the written form but may have a lot to say. These various activities provide our learners with the opportunity to have more verbal dialogue in the classroom. These activities are ideal especially for those students who are not good writers and those who are shy.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Developmental psychology

I truly do believe that parents play the utmost crucial role in the development of their children and it is my view that parents want to see their children succeed. My school community is a small-knitted community where the majority of persons are related in some way.  Most parents accompany their children to school so it is quite easy for the teachers to approach them, and vice versa, concerning their children's performance at school. We have Parent Teachers Meeting once every term. We have a student population of little over 53 and sad to say this number is not represented by the parents' presence. Parent conferencing day is held officially in the first week of the second term so that parents can get an idea of what their child has done in the previous school term and will make an intervention to help their child succeed if he/ she is having low grades. Teachers have private, one-on-one discussions where the child also has an input. My school is part of the Child Friendly School initiative where students undergo behavioral modification to help them to be successful is all areas. In this project, the teachers conducted three days of interactive parenting sessions to educate and inform the parents of measures to be taken when they interact with their children on a daily basis. These sessions saw the same small number of parents turning out. Parents are also called into the school deal with the ill-discipline of their children.
With all this being said at my school it can be seen that there is a low parent turn out for important events. Instead of wanting to see the parents for the ill-discipline of their children we should invite them to see the achievements that their children have made. This can be done when students showcase their Science projects or having their best work being displayed for all to see.