Tuesday 11 June 2013

Module 3 Activity 7

I honestly don't know how I managed to miss the first part of the activity however I did the second part dealing with handling big groups in regards to using the spreadsheet software.  Instead of the teacher solely keep records of students' grades, I think that it is a good move to teach them to be responsible in keeping track of their own grades using spreadsheet especially after completing exercises for the different subject disciplines.  This will help to control a big group where using spreadsheets is concerned.

Module 3 Activity 11 reflections

The only professional learning network that I have ever engaged myself in was this very CCTI course.  After doing this activity I have learned that any social network could be utilized as a PLN.  Most persons use social networks such as Facebook and Twitter to keep up to date on friends' and families' lives and to share their experiences. I, too, am guilty of this, especially on Facebook. PLN have the power and potential to assist us on a professional level. I see social networks a bit differently now they can be used to link and collaborate with colleagues who may share their expertise or ideas. I hope to build on the PLN that I created on Twitter and in the future build a PLN on Youtube.

Monday 3 June 2013

Module 3 Activity 10 reflections

In this activity which dealt with us being smart workers using social media, I was drawn to the reality that the majority of us do not use social media such as facebook to collaborate with persons on a professional level. In Jane Hart's blog she posted 8 key features of a smart learner. All are quite important but the one that impacted on me the most is the learner learns best with and from others. In this ICT course, for example, we collaborate with other colleagues to see things from another person's point of view or have tasks being clarified. We even encourage and praise each other's efforts. So I, as a smart learner, would come to the realization that I don't know everything and find support from other colleagues.